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“The pain you feel today will be the strength you'll have tomorrow.”

The Ken Kaneki's quote says that the pain and the fear we feel today will be our strength tomorrow.

Pain or fear of something or someone is normal to have. We often fear a particular situation or person and do not know how best to handle ourselves and what we do or say.

We need to be aware that fear, dread, frustration, and failures, are all elements that will one day turn into success and happiness only if we deal with them in an optimistic, rational, and positive way.

Moreover, the experience formed by going through difficult and painful periods will be the key to our success.


“I'm begging you, don't make me a killer!”

Exploring the depth of Ken Kaneki's quotes, we find a plea for humanity and a desperate desire to maintain innocence. This quote, in particular, is an outcry against the forceful transformation into a being that causes harm. It is a refusal to let circumstances define one's character.

From a Stoic perspective, it reflects the principle of focusing on what is within our control. Ken Kaneki is showing his resolve to fight against becoming a killer, a decision that is within his control. He is not allowing external forces to determine his actions.

Looking at it from an Eastern philosophical lens, it echoes the teachings of non-violence and compassion. It is an affirmation of the belief that every life is sacred and that causing harm to others is a deviation from the path of righteousness.

In essence, this quote is a powerful statement about personal responsibility, the value of life, and the importance of maintaining one's integrity, even in the face of adversity. Ken Kaneki's quotes are not just words, they are a testament to the strength of human spirit and the power of choice.


“I was wrong. I wasn't eating ghouls. I'm the one who was being eaten.”

In the realm of Ken Kaneki quotes, this particular statement stands as a profound reflection on the nature of existence. It presents an abrupt shift in perspective, a sudden realization that the hunter is, in fact, the hunted.

From a Stoic viewpoint, this quote emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's place in the world. It is a stark reminder that we are not always in control of our circumstances, and that we may often find ourselves at the mercy of forces beyond our comprehension.

The Eastern philosophical interpretation of this quote focuses on the concept of interdependence. It highlights the cyclical nature of life, where the roles of predator and prey are not fixed but constantly changing. This understanding can lead to a deeper sense of compassion and empathy for all beings.

Both interpretations stress on the need to constantly reevaluate our perceptions and actions, and to remain open to new insights and experiences.


“You're wrong. It's not the world that's messed up; it's those of us in it.”

Ken Kaneki's quotes often carry profound wisdom and this one is no exception. It challenges us to shift our perspective. Instead of blaming the world for our problems, we should look inward. The world is not inherently flawed, but our actions and attitudes can make it seem so.

Self-reflection is a key teaching here. It's easy to point fingers and find fault in external circumstances. However, the true path to improvement lies in personal responsibility. We are the ones who shape our world through our thoughts, words, and actions.

Therefore, if we wish to see a better world, we must start by bettering ourselves. This is a fundamental principle in both Stoic and Eastern philosophies. Change begins within.

So, next time you feel the urge to criticize the world, remember this Ken Kaneki quote. It's not the world that needs changing, but those of us in it.


“We need to stop fighting and start talking. Because when it comes to the state of the world, you can't point your finger at ghouls or humans. We're all to blame.”

Ken Kaneki, a character known for his profound wisdom, emphasizes the importance of dialogue in resolving conflicts in one of his memorable quotes. We need to stop fighting and start talking, he says, highlighting the need for communication over confrontation.

His words reflect the essence of Eastern philosophy, where harmony and balance are key. The statement you can't point your finger at ghouls or humans. We're all to blame, is a call for self-reflection and shared responsibility. In this quote, Kaneki urges us not to fall into the trap of blaming others, but to recognize our own role in the state of the world.

Essentially, the core teaching from this quote is the importance of dialogue and mutual understanding, as well as the need for self-awareness and shared responsibility. These are all principles that align with the teachings of stoicism and Eastern philosophy, making this one of the most impactful Ken Kaneki quotes.


“It's better to be hurt than to hurt others. Nice people can be happy with just that.”

Ken Kaneki quotes always convey a deep sense of empathy and compassion. In this particular statement, he emphasizes the importance of prioritizing others' well-being over our own. This is a clear reflection of the stoic principle of putting others before self, of accepting personal discomfort or pain to prevent causing harm to others.

Moreover, the latter part of the quote highlights the inherent goodness in people. It suggests that genuine happiness can be derived simply from being kind and considerate. This aligns with the Eastern philosophy of achieving inner peace and contentment through altruistic actions.

Overall, this quote by Ken Kaneki serves as a reminder to lead a life of selflessness and kindness, mirroring the teachings of both stoicism and Eastern philosophy. It encourages us to seek happiness not in personal gains, but in the joy and comfort we bring to others.


“I don't care about taking the side of those I cannot see. I fight for those close to me. And it just so happens that they're mostly ghouls.”

Ken Kaneki, known for his profound quotes, presents a powerful perspective on loyalty and personal values. He emphasizes the importance of standing by those who are close to us, regardless of societal norms or popular opinion. This quote reflects a stoic acceptance of the world as it is, rather than as we wish it to be.

Ken Kaneki teaches us to fight for those we care about, even if they are not understood or accepted by the majority. His words inspire us to look beyond the surface, to see the humanity in all beings, and to act with courage and conviction. The quote also subtly hints at the impermanence of life, a key theme in Eastern philosophy.

By focusing on those close to him, Ken Kaneki is demonstrating the value of intimate relationships and the strength that comes from unity. His words serve as a reminder that we should not let societal labels dictate our actions, but rather, we should act based on our personal values and beliefs.


“I think what's necessary is the 'right distance.' Instead of mutually tramping on each others' existence, we should just respect each other a little more.”

Exploring the depth of Ken Kaneki quotes, this one particularly stands out. It emphasizes the significance of maintaining the 'right distance' in our relations with others.

From the stoic perspective, this 'right distance' can be seen as a balance between our own personal space and the respect for others' existence. It's about understanding that every individual has their own unique journey and we should not infringe upon their path.

Instead of tramping on each other's existence, we should learn to respect their individuality and personal space. This is not about creating barriers, but about fostering mutual respect and understanding.

Through this, Ken Kaneki teaches us the importance of balance in our relationships, and the value of respect for others' existence. This is a profound lesson in empathy and compassion, core principles in both stoic and Eastern philosophy.


“Sometimes you're confronted with the ugly parts of yourself that you don't want to see, but books can also tell you a lot about the things you didn't notice when you're just trying to get through somehow.”

Ken Kaneki's quotes often shed light on the human condition. In this particular quote, he presents the dual nature of self-discovery and the role of literature in our lives. He suggests that while we might be uncomfortable acknowledging our flaws, it is essential for personal growth. Confronting the ugly parts of ourselves is a painful but necessary part of the journey towards self-improvement.

Moreover, Kaneki emphasizes the value of books as tools for self-reflection. They serve as mirrors, reflecting not only our own experiences but those of others as well. Through literature, we gain insights into aspects of our lives that might otherwise go unnoticed. This is especially true when we are preoccupied with just getting by, often overlooking the finer details of our existence.

Overall, Kaneki's quote encourages us to face our fears and shortcomings head-on, and to utilize books as guides on our path to self-awareness and enlightenment.


“You're wrong. It's not the world that's messed up; it's those of us in it. Yes, some ghouls walk a path that leaves sorrow in their wake, but just like humans, we can choose a different path altogether. We have a lot to learn, both your kind and mine. We”

Ken Kaneki's quotes often reflect a profound understanding of the human condition and our role in the world. This particular quote emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and the power of choice. Kaneki suggests that the world isn't inherently corrupt or broken, but it's our actions and decisions that have led to its current state. We are, after all, the world's active participants, not mere observers.

Choice is a central theme here. Kaneki compares humans and ghouls, two seemingly different entities, and highlights their shared ability to choose their path. This is a reminder that we have the power to shape our destiny and the world around us. The path we choose to walk on inevitably leaves a trail behind, be it of joy or sorrow.

The call for dialogue and understanding is another key takeaway. Kaneki urges us to stop fighting and start talking. This is a call for empathy, understanding, and communication, crucial elements in mending the world's fractures. The blame game, he suggests, is futile. It's not about who is right or wrong; it's about acknowledging our shared blame and working towards a better world.

Ken Kaneki's quotes inspire introspection and a renewed sense of responsibility towards the world we inhabit.


“Human relationships are chemical reactions. If you have a reaction then you can never return back to your previous state of being.”

Reflecting on this profound insight from Ken Kaneki quotes, we can appreciate the transformative nature of human interactions. Like a chemical reaction, once two elements interact, they are forever changed. This metaphor extends to our relationships, highlighting their potential to shape and evolve our character.

Just as two chemicals can't return to their original state after a reaction, so too we cannot revert to our previous selves after a significant relationship. This is not a cause for fear, but rather an invitation to embrace the continuous growth and evolution that relationships offer.

From this perspective, every relationship, regardless of its nature or duration, is a catalyst for change and personal development. This understanding can help us approach relationships with a more open and accepting mindset, valuing them for their transformative potential.

So next time you find yourself in a new relationship, remember this wisdom from Ken Kaneki. Welcome the change, for it is a sign of growth, evolution and the dynamic nature of human existence.


“Never trust anyone too much. Remember, the devil was once an angel.”

The Ken Kaneki's quote says that we must never trust anyone.

Trust should be something we rarely have to give to people who will surely not betray us or take advantage of us.

We may be very disappointed or grieved if we trust something or someone too much.

To find a person we can trust, we must be aware and sure that the latter is entirely faithful, which is very difficult to understand.

So for our safety, we must always be alert and ready for adverse situations, betrayals or drastic changes in the relationship.


“I won't forgive anyone who threatens the peace in my life.”

The Ken Kaneki's quote says that he will never forgive those who stand in the way of peace in his life.

We must always be independent of external factors. We must never let anyone or anything besides us make our life worse or our social and work situations.

We must have the ability to make our actions, thoughts and situations into things independent of external reality.

For this, we must take a rational, realistic and individualistic attitude. Those who invade our values by trying to change them do not deserve even a confrontation on our part.


“Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn't mean they are bad people. It means they're human.”

The Ken Kaneki's quote says that good and reasonable people often make bad decisions. However, this does not imply that they are bad people but rather human.

Perfection does not exist. We are not perfect. Although we have proper and good values, we also make mistakes and make bad decisions or do harmful and unsuccessful actions.

However, we should not be discouraged. It is normal. It means we are humans like others.

We must have the readiness to take responsibility for our actions and resolve adverse events if we were the ones who created them.


“All the liabilities in this world are due to the inadequacies of the person involved.”

The Ken Kaneki's quote says that all responsibilities come from the inadequacies of the person involved.

Feeling inadequate means that we have a feeling that we are not up to par or not comfortable in a situation or relationship.

It is normal to feel inadequate in certain circumstances. With inadequacies comes the responsibility to resolve those inadequacies. We have to re-establish a situation of tranquility and equality.

If we are the one who feels inadequate, we have to resolve the situation on our own. That is our responsibility.

If it is a person with whom we have a strong relationship who feels inadequate, then that is another matter. Someone else's inadequacies are their own and have to be resolved on their own, yet we can help them and make ourselves somewhat responsible for their inadequacies and help them resolve them.

Of course, we must always consider that person's utilitarian and emotional factors. We cannot take on all the responsibilities or inadequacies of all the people in the world.


“I have to learn by experiencing things myself... that's all I can do.”

The Ken Kaneki's quote says that he has to learn things by himself because that is the only thing he can do.

Experience is a crucial factor in our life. There are two kinds of experience, indirect and direct.

We can receive indirect experience by listening to a master or anyone who has already had a particular experience. Thanks to them, we can realize how it is structured, how difficult it is, or how to solve a situation.

Direct experience, on the other hand, is what we experience with our skin. This type of experience includes elements such as failure. Experience the situation directly and learn new things.

We should be inclined to embrace experience in all possible forms because it makes us wiser and more capable of living. However, direct experience can be much more helpful than indirect experience because living through certain situations with our skin strengthens and improves our thinking and way of living much more.


“Why is it that the beautiful things are entwined more deeply with death than with life?”


“Donato has to keep proving himself. He wants to prove just how valuable he is. Isn't that the case with you as well? Because you are the same as Donato. All you're doing is indulging in this twisted self-value that you have to yourself. And if you don't,”


“I led me by the hand, as if to fill the niches in the memories in my oozing brain fluid. Without even a destination, we kept walking. Disgusting clouds were floating in the sky. I already know what will happen to me the next time I wake up.”


“You think something like that would hurt, after all I've been through?”


“My severe injuries had healed and the sweet taste of blood coated my mouth. I kept walking, my goal vague…trying to dispel the building unease in my chest… Upon entering an open area was the scent of rotting flowers and in the middle of the flowerbed, he”


“If you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be… a tragedy.”


“Pain is your friend. Pain is your ally.”


“I led me by the hand as if to fill the niches in the memories in my oozing brain fluid. Without even a destination, we kept walking. Disgusting clouds were floating in the sky. I already know what will happen to me the next time I wake up.”


“We have to break a chain of grief.”


“Pain tells you when you have been wounded badly.”


“Cain used to be seen as evil, you know. Well, I mean, he can be understood as being 'evil' now, too. But if you just think about Cain, you can kind of see that he had to do what he did to be able to carry on, I think. It would've been unbearable for him,”


“I wanna be nice, but everyone annoys me.”


“I want to give my life for someone else.”


“I am the One-Eyed King.”


“I know there are ghouls who only see humans as targets to be preyed upon, and on the other hand, there are humans who have decided that ghouls are only inhuman monsters, but I don't think either of those is correct.”


“That's who we are. Steal and be stolen. Imprison and be imprisoned. Follow and be followed. Do and be done. Affirm and negate over and over. We fight ceaselessly to save ourselves from loss.”


“Black and blue, turning and over-turning the things I'd chosen countless times, forever repeating the same actions. Ungainly, awkward, indecisive, weak, endlessly useless. That is what I am.”


“Life is sad, empty. But despite knowing we will one day be bereft, despite knowing we will one day disappear, we still strive in wretched ways. We still wish to be beautiful.”


“Furuta, I was the sort of human you'd find anywhere. The kind that just loves reading. But on that fateful day with Rize, I was sundered from the human world, and everything began to change. My life was threatened. I was horrifically tortured, unable to”

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