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Lelouch Lamperouge Quotes


“It wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world.”

The Lelouch Lamperouge's quote says that we are not wrong, but the world is.

Sometimes we feel like we are not right in society and the world. We absolutely must not think that we are wrong.

We don't have to conform to society, and we don't have to become what public opinion wants, but we have to follow what we want and want to do and think.

To succeed in life, we must be different, innovative, and original, and often the outside world will come against our originality and individuality.


“The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed.”

Exploring the depth of Lelouch Lamperouge quotes, we find a profound understanding of life and death. This particular quote reflects a deep-seated belief in the law of cause and effect. It is a stark reminder that every action has a consequence.

When one decides to take a life, they should be ready to face the possibility of their own life being taken. It is a stark reminder of the impermanence of life and the inevitability of death. It's not a call for violence, but a call for responsibility and awareness.

So, in essence, Lelouch Lamperouge is urging us to think deeply about our actions and their potential consequences. It's a call to live responsibly, to act with awareness, and to understand the interconnectedness of all things. This is a fundamental teaching in both Stoic and Eastern philosophies.


“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”

In the realm of Lelouch Lamperouge quotes, this one poses an intriguing moral dilemma. It questions the very nature of evil and the paths we can take when confronted with it. The first option suggests a pragmatic approach, where one must engage with evil to eliminate it. This path, however, risks the danger of becoming the very thing we seek to destroy.

The second option advocates for righteousness and justice, even at the cost of surrendering to evil. This path upholds the purity of our principles but may lead to the triumph of malevolence.

Both choices are fraught with difficulty, representing the complex nature of life's challenges. This quote encourages us to reflect on our own moral compass and the lengths we're willing to go to uphold our beliefs. It's a reminder that sometimes, the path of least resistance isn't always the most honorable.

As with many Lelouch Lamperouge quotes, this one provides food for thought, pushing us to delve deeper into our understanding of good and evil, justice and corruption.


“If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow.”

Our journey begins with Lelouch Lamperouge quotes, a beacon of wisdom and insight. In this particular quote, Lamperouge presents a profound lesson on leadership and initiative.

He suggests that a leader, akin to a king, must be the first to take action. Only then will his subjects, or followers, be inspired to follow suit. This is a reflection of the leader's role in setting the pace and direction for others.

It's a reminder that action is a vital aspect of leadership. A leader who remains stagnant, fails to inspire and motivate. It's through their actions that leaders can truly guide and influence.

But Lamperouge isn't just speaking to leaders. He's speaking to us all. We each have the capacity to lead in our own lives, to take the initiative, to move. And in doing so, we inspire others to do the same.

So, let's not be idle. Let's be the kings and queens of our own lives, leading with action and inspiring those around us.


“If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?”

Lelouch Lamperouge's quotes often carry profound wisdom. This particular one questions the correlation between strength, justice, and powerlessness. It's a reflection of the societal perception of strength as a virtue and weakness as a vice. But is this always true?

In the realm of Eastern philosophy, strength and powerlessness are not polar opposites but two sides of the same coin. Strength does not always equate to justice, it often represents the ability to influence or control. On the other hand, powerlessness is not a crime but a state of being that can lead to humility and compassion.

So, the next time you come across a situation where strength and powerlessness seem at odds, remember this teaching. It's not the state of being strong or powerless that matters, but how we use our state to impact those around us. Justice comes not from power, but from the fair and compassionate use of whatever state we are in.


“You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty.”

The essence of Lelouch Lamperouge quotes lies in their stark realism and practical approach towards life. The quote in question is a prime example of this. It emphasizes the necessity of action, of taking responsibility, and of facing the consequences of our decisions.

Change, especially on a global scale, requires effort, sacrifice, and often, compromise. There's no room for idealistic detachment or passive observation. This is a key tenet of both Stoicism and Eastern philosophy, where the focus is on accepting reality as it is and working within its constraints to effect meaningful change.

So, what can we learn from this? To bring about change, we must be willing to get our hands dirty, to engage with the world in all its complexity and imperfection. We must be proactive, courageous, and resilient, understanding that the path to change is often challenging and fraught with obstacles. But it is through this very struggle that we grow, evolve, and ultimately, transform the world around us.


“I am sorry, but I cannot be friends with a goddess, because I have signed a contract with a devil.”

In the realm of Lelouch Lamperouge quotes, this one stands out for its profound implications. The quote speaks to the inherent duality of human nature. We are neither wholly virtuous nor entirely wicked, but a complex blend of both. It is a stark reminder that we are often bound by the choices we make, even when they are not in our best interest.

From a philosophical perspective, the quote underscores the impermanence of human relations and the constant flux of our allegiances. It suggests that we should not be too quick to judge others based on their associations, for they too are navigating the turbulent waters of life.

Through this quote, Lamperouge also touches on the concept of responsibility. When we commit to a course of action, we must see it through to the end, irrespective of the consequences. Such is the weight of our decisions and the price of our freedom.

In essence, this quote is a call to introspection and self-awareness. It encourages us to reflect on our actions and their impact on our lives and the world at large.


“Perhaps this is what I have always wished for since that day. The loss and destruction of all. That's right, one must destroy before creating. In that case, if my conscience becomes a hindrance to me, then I will simply erase it. I have no other choice”

The profound wisdom in Lelouch Lamperouge quotes often lays bare the stark realities of life. This particular quote is no exception. It carries the echo of the ancient Eastern philosophical concept of destruction as a necessary precursor to creation. This idea, deeply rooted in the cyclical nature of life, suggests that in order to bring something new into existence, something old must be destroyed or let go.

Moreover, Lamperouge's words touch upon the struggle with conscience, a theme that resonates with the Stoic philosophy. Stoicism teaches us to focus on what we can control, and let go of what we cannot. In this context, if one's conscience becomes an obstacle to progress, the Stoic response would be to reshape or let go of it.

Lastly, the quote emphasizes the necessity of moving forward, regardless of the circumstances. This aligns with the Eastern philosophy's emphasis on the impermanence of life and the Stoic's focus on resilience and perseverance.

Thus, through this quote, Lamperouge encapsulates timeless wisdom, urging us to embrace change, control our perceptions, and persist in the face of adversity.


“If I deliver to you the impossible, then I might have earned your trust.”

In the realm of Lelouch Lamperouge quotes, this particular saying stands out. It speaks to the concept of achieving the impossible, a notion deeply ingrained in both Stoic and Eastern philosophies. The idea of earning trust through delivering the impossible is a testament to the power of human potential and capability.

From a Stoic perspective, the impossible is not a limit, but a challenge to our abilities. It's a call to rise above our perceived limitations and strive for greatness. Trust, in this context, is not just a matter of faith, but a reward for demonstrating exceptional capability.

From an Eastern philosophical viewpoint, the impossible is simply an illusion. It's a construct of the mind, a barrier that can be overcome with the right mindset and determination. Earning trust, then, becomes a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

This quote from Lelouch Lamperouge serves as a reminder that the impossible is not a dead-end, but a stepping stone to earning trust and achieving greatness.


“It's all about self-satisfaction, doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't do it, theirs no way you can change the world.”

In the realm of Lelouch Lamperouge quotes, this particular one stands as a stark reminder of the inherent limitations of human effort. The world, in its vastness and complexity, is beyond the scope of any single individual's influence. Self-satisfaction, as Lamperouge suggests, becomes the primary aim, the only achievable goal.

His words echo the teachings of stoicism, the acceptance of things as they are, not as we wish them to be. Effort, as noble as it might be, is often rendered futile in the face of the world's immutable nature. The only realm we can truly influence and change is within ourselves.

Thus, the underlying teaching here is not one of despair but of empowerment. Change, real change, begins within. It is not about changing the world, but about changing ourselves, our perceptions, our attitudes, and our reactions. Only then, can we find true self-satisfaction.

So, in essence, Lelouch Lamperouge's quotes serve as a gentle reminder to focus our energies inward, to cultivate a sense of inner peace and satisfaction, rather than futilely attempting to alter the world around us.

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