Who is Lori Greiner 101: Everything You Wanted to Know

By Matteo Drelli. Updated Sep 3, 2023

Lori Greiner smiling

Lori Greiner isn't just another TV personality. Born on December 9, 1969, she's a powerhouse of talent. Not only does she hold over 120 patents, but she's also invented hundreds of products. Yep, she's the real deal when it comes to innovation.

You've probably seen her make or break deals on ABC's Shark Tank. But did you know she earned the title "Queen of QVC"? Lori launched her show, "Clever & Unique Creations," on QVC in 2000, and it was a hit!

Lori is more than just an inventor and TV star. She's also the brain behind "For Your Ease Only, Inc.," where she's the President and founder. On top of that, she owns Good Place Entertainment, a production company. Talk about a business dynamo!

Lori Greiner's Early Years and Education

Born and raised on Chicago's Near North Side, Lori Greiner had an early flair for communications. She honed her skills at Loyola University Chicago and even worked for The Chicago Tribune during her college days. But that's not all—she dabbled in playwriting and sold jewelry on the side!

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Guess what? While Lori was shaping her career, she was also busy selling jewelry. That's right! Before becoming a business mogul, she was an aspiring playwright who sold jewelry as a side gig. Talk about multi-talented!

Lori Greiner's Career

Lori Greiner hit the ground running when she launched her company, For Your Ease Only, in 1996. That same year, she designed a unique earring organizer. Guess what? J.C. Penney picked it up, and Lori paid off a $300,000 loan in just 18 months! Her genius doesn't stop at jewelry. Lori has patents in various categories—think cosmetics, travel, electronics, and home goods.

Her products are so good that they've been featured in top magazines like The Oprah Magazine and InStyle. One of her items, the Silver Safekeeper, even made it to Oprah's list of favorite things!

After her early win with J.C. Penney, Lori took her products to new heights. You'll find her creations on the Home Shopping Network and even at Bed, Bath and Beyond. In 2000, she debuted her own show on QVC, skyrocketing her to the title "Queen of QVC."

In 2012, Lori became a household name in a new way—joining the U.S. TV series Shark Tank. Her investment in Scrub Daddy, a revolutionary cleaning sponge, is considered one of the show's biggest successes. But there's more! She has invested in a slew of other companies like Bantam Bagels and Squatty Potty. Combined, her investments have raked in over $400 million with a 90% success rate!

Ready to tap into Lori's business genius? Check out her book, "Invent it, Sell it, Bank it!" published in 2014. It's your guide to turning your million-dollar idea into reality.

Debunked Myths of Lori Greiner

"She's just a TV personality"Lori is far more than just a face on TV. She's an accomplished inventor and entrepreneur with over 120 patents.
"She made her fortune solely from Shark Tank"While Shark Tank boosted her profile, Lori was already a successful entrepreneur with her company, For Your Ease Only.
"Lori's products only appeal to women"Wrong! Her range of products extends far beyond women-specific items and includes travel gear, household products, and electronics.
"All her businesses were instant successes"Even Lori faced challenges. Her earring organizer, for instance, was a hit but she had a $300,000 loan to pay off. Success takes work!
"She only invests in established companies on Shark Tank"Lori has invested in startups and lesser-known brands, giving them a platform to grow. Her portfolio has a 90% success rate!

Frequently Asked Questions About Lori Greiner

Where does Lori Greiner make her money?

Lori Greiner has multiple income streams, making her a true business dynamo. Here's a quick rundown:

  • For Your Ease Only, Inc.: She founded this company in 1996, where she designs and sells a variety of consumer products.
  • QVC: Lori earned the title "Queen of QVC" from her own show, "Clever & Unique Creations by Lori Greiner."
  • Shark Tank: As an investor on the hit TV show, Lori not only gains visibility but also profits from successful investments.
  • Book Sales: Her book, "Invent it, Sell it, Bank it!", adds another feather to her income cap.
  • Endorsements: Being a well-known personality, she's had her products endorsed in top magazines, adding credibility and boosting sales.

So, Lori's money comes from a mix of entrepreneurship, media appearances, investments, and endorsements. Talk about a well-rounded portfolio!

What has Lori Greiner invented?

Lori Greiner is an innovation powerhouse with over 120 patents to her name. Here's a peek into some categories she's delved into:

  • Jewelry Organizers: She kicked off her career by creating a plastic earring organizer that was a hit at J.C. Penney.
  • Cosmetic Organization: Lori has designed practical and stylish storage solutions for makeup and cosmetics.
  • Travel Accessories: From travel pouches to suitcase organizers, she's got the travel bugs covered.
  • Household Items: Think beyond basics with Lori's clever home gadgets like the Silver Safekeeper for storing valuables.
  • Electronics: Lori has also ventured into the tech world, creating organizers that are as smart as they are functional.

When did Lori Greiner get married?

Lori Greiner is married to Dan Greiner. However, the exact date of their wedding isn't publicly disclosed. What we do know is that Dan is not just her life partner but also an integral part of her business journey. So, the two are a true power couple!

Lori Greiner Quotes

Here are some of Lori Greiner's most famous quotes.

A brilliant idea doesn't guarantee a successful invention. Real magic comes from a brilliant idea combined with willpower, tenacity, and a willingness to make mistakes.

You are wise when you listen, especially to people with experience.

There's something the same about success and defeat. Both should make you want to work harder.

To see more Lori Greiner quotes, we recommend visiting the Lori Greiner Quote section in Quotes Analysis.

We hope we have been helpful to you in this "Who is Lori Greiner" article, and we hope you have a better understanding of who Lori Greiner is!